Paweł Dziadur

Sunrise labour sunset
The work involves continuously running custom software constructing an anti-narrative video-composition based on appropriated real-time video streams stolen from IP and security cameras around the globe. The Sunrise Labour and Sunset cycle is like a day of 24/7 global capitalism compressed into 15 minutes. The software generates a moving imaginary point scanning the globe, from where the live feeds are sourced in a certain phase to the rotation of the Earth. A daily cycle appears to happen faster in order to show the endless concatenation of real-time sunrises, places of labour and sunsets.
Projections or TV, Python, C++/OpenFrameworks custom software, appropriated live cameras. April 2021.
Sunrise labour sunset by Paweł Dziadur

Sunrise labour sunset
The work involves continuously running custom software constructing an anti-narrative video-composition based on appropriated real-time video streams stolen from IP and security cameras around the globe. The Sunrise Labour and Sunset cycle is like a day of 24/7 global capitalism compressed into 15 minutes. The software generates a moving imaginary point scanning the globe, from where the live feeds are sourced in a certain phase to the rotation of the Earth. A daily cycle appears to happen faster in order to show the endless concatenation of real-time sunrises, places of labour and sunsets.
Projections or TV, Python, C++/OpenFrameworks custom software, appropriated live cameras. April 2021.