GOLDSMITHS | BA Fine Art 2021

Samuel Hanson

Is this my room?
This is a spatial investigation that explores the boundaries of the actual and the virtual and all that lies in-between. An attempt to make what is ephemeral in the digital, physical. I drag a 3d digitally rendered kitchen into our physical space, via the act of printing, in an endeavour to reconfigure architecture. Which I subsequentially disrupt through varying physical acts: tearing, rearranging, and overlaying with photographic images. I attempt to live in this kitchen as if it were my own.
Video, 2021

Is this my room?
This is a spatial investigation that explores the boundaries of the actual and the virtual and all that lies in-between. An attempt to make what is ephemeral in the digital, physical. I drag a 3d digitally rendered kitchen into our physical space, via the act of printing, in an endeavour to reconfigure architecture. Which I subsequentially disrupt through varying physical acts: tearing, rearranging, and overlaying with photographic images. I attempt to live in this kitchen as if it were my own.
Video, 2021