DOEASH Inhee Park

Stupid Fighters!; Invisible War
The battle of authorities for the monopolization of information is fierce out of sight. Regardless of whether we agree or disagree, all our lives are under control by power. They somehow collect and analyze human behaviour and personal information and place it under control. Data collecting, illegal trade in personal information, and political tensions between companies and countries are their fierce battles to take the invisible power of information technology. It is a satirical work that companies monopolize the power of information and security are growing as a threat to countries.
Mixed media, 2019.

Stupid Fighters!; Invisible War
The battle of authorities for the monopolization of information is fierce out of sight. Regardless of whether we agree or disagree, all our lives are under control by power. They somehow collect and analyze human behaviour and personal information and place it under control. Data collecting, illegal trade in personal information, and political tensions between companies and countries are their fierce battles to take the invisible power of information technology. It is a satirical work that companies monopolize the power of information and security are growing as a threat to countries.
Mixed media, 2019.